Tuesday, 16 February 2010

The Ban List And Flamers

Hey guys it's HuntikYugiohFan back again for some more blogging.

Ok so recently I have seen so many ban lists its hard not to visit a yugioh site and see one. People always spend most of this week looking for the OCG ban list forgetting TCG could differ although we usually follow the same list they do. However I feel our list could be different as we already have Brionac Dragon Of The Ice Barrier at 3 in TCG while at OCG it is limited to 1 copy per deck.

For those who have been paying attention to sites revealing apparent lists, you may wish to know that the actual V Jump Magazine is not released until the 20th of this month. This information is thanks to lightgrunty who I thank for telling us on his blog. This doesn't necessarily mean predicitons arent welcome but it does mean an official list will not be released until this date.

So onto the topic of flamers. I don't know why people spend time looking at lists only to say they are fake. Yuginewz.com has previously posted lists that have usually been the correct list or near correct with very little mistakes in the past, however is it right that we flame him for posting a list earlier than is scheduled? Is it also right that we flame someone for trying to predict the list or post their thoughts on the list?

Putting it simply what is my advice:

1] Wait for the official list posted on Konami's site
2] Do not presume the OCG list will be the same as the TCG list even though it has followed it in the past
3] Don't go on sites trying to predict the list just to later flame them. You may feel they are wrong so why waste time telling them how you feel. They more than likely won't care what you think.

So there's my advice. Sorry for a slightly negative post however it is something i felt needed to be said.

Your Friend In Yu-Gi-Oh


1 comment:

  1. people who flame want attention enough said about them bro
