Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Space Ships WTH !!!!!!

Hey guys,

So I know in previous posts I said I was trying to keep posting more regularly and have not kept to this but this is due to again more college work and more things happening over the week. So today I am going to reveal probably one of the cheapest anti meta decks going around. Thats right Space Ships Wooooop !! Ok so let's get started.

Ok so first let me clarify this is basically my version of the build that topped SJC Nashville. Most numbers and cards are the same but some are different due to a new format and new ban list

[3] Shining Angel
[3] Blue Thunder T 45
[2] Lord British Space Fighter
[2] Victory Viper XX03
[2] Jade Knight
[2] Honest
[2] Cyber Dragon
[1] Morphing Jar
[1] Sangan

[3] Book Of Moon
[2] Creature Swap
[2] Enemy Controller
[2] Smashing Ground
[1] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1] Limiter Removal
[1] Giant Trunade
[1] Heavy Storm

[2] Dark Bribe
[2] Royal Oppression
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[1] Call Of The Haunted
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Torrential Tribute
[1] Mirror Force

Ok so that's the list so now lets try and explain some key cards.

The first key card is Shining Angel. Recruiters were big last format and are just as good this format. Shining Angel essentially can defend you or poke for little amount of damage, however where it really shines (get it Shining Angel ..... Shine) anyways yea where it shines is that it can search nearly any monster in this deck. It can allow us to search for a Space Ship ready for the following turn or even get Honest, meaning a big push for damage next turn.

Ok so now onto the Space Ships. Obviously Blue Thunder T 45 is played in 3's. Originally I played 3 Jade Knight and only 2 Blue Thunder but this deck does need a stable attacker and thats just what Blue Thunder T 45 does. Giving us free tokens we can swap away or even use for more damage is just too good. Along with that we next have Lord British Space Fighter and Victory Viper XX03. These pare are great as they can not only get us tokens but much more. Lord British can destroy face downs, attack again or give us that token we all love so much. Victory Viper XX03 can gain 400 atk or net a free token and if you happen to be playing a deck such as Six Samurai or any deck with face up spells or traps it can destroy those aswell. Jade Knight obviously can be used with Creature Swap, used for stall power, poke for little damage and then get us a new Space Ship.

Ok now onto spells. The spells basically allow us more control. Book Of Moon and Enemy Controller both do really well in this deck. They can be used defensivly or aggressivly to gain the upper hand on the opponent. Enemy Controller allows the tokens to be abused. One of my favourite combo's is to gain a token from a Space Ship then Enemy Controller it to take their monster such as Shura or Bora and then Creature Swap the Shura for their Armor Master. Pretty sneaky and not all that hard to pull off.

Ok the traps. Originally I wanted to use Dimensional Prison but after testing I found it was never really needed. The Dark Bribe's help us maintain those important back row's and also to stop those pesky Whirlwinds early game. Oppression is a mixed card this format. Amazing in the Gladiator Beast matchup and most others but a fail against Blackwing, however it is easily sided for those great traps known as Trap Hole. Finally we have our basic staples.

So thats the basic idea of the deck and the combo's. Simply put Yu-Gi-Oh has always been seen as an expensive game for the competetive player, but it seems more people are willing to fight this common conception of the game. This is one of the cheapest, fun and most competetive decks I have played and i reccomend it for all to try.

Now a quick up date on my happenings. I will be attending the Beeston Regional in Nottingham hoping to be one of the top 8 and win the X Saber Mat (mainly for my Friend). Once again the Gadgets will be played and hopefully a better day shall ensue. Anyways other than that I have almost finished 'blinging' out the Crystal Beast Deck I have.

Also be sure to check my Youtube Channel. I am determined during the Easter Period (next week and the following 2 weeks) that I get video's on my channel.

Once again I am sorry for not posting for a long time and hope you can all forgive me.

Your Friend In Yu-Gi-Oh


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